Albert and Gage

September 16, 2000
The deck has sported some incredible music in the past, and having Albert & Gage grace our stage continues that tradition. 

Cliff Eberhardt

September 2, 2000
Breaking our tradition of hosting Texas artists isn’t something we take lightly.  But, occasionally a performer passes through that we just have to share with our friends.

Wrecks Bell

Sunday, August 6, 2000
Last February, an awesome group of musicians gathered at Firehouse Studios in San Marcos to work on a long awaited project, the recording of Rex Bell’s new CD.

Tom Russell with Andrew Hardi

Sunday, July 23, 2000
Some things are just too good to pass up.  Tom Russell and Andrew Hardin on the deck has to be at the top of that list. 

Two shows…April 22 &23, 2000
It’s great to welcome Shake Russell and Anni Clark back to the TNC stage, but this year we have the added pleasure of welcoming Dana Cooper as well.

Terri Hendrix & Lloyd Maines

April 8, 2000
Last June, we received an e-mail from Tracie Ferguson, booking agent for Gruene Hall.  She recommended that we look into booking

Kimmie Rhodes

March 11, 2000
Another original goal set for TNHC will finally be met as we proudly present Kimmie Rhodes on the deck! 

Emily Kaitz

February 12, 2000
Emily Kaitz has a unique ability to demonstrate that life is a hoot. She can take things seriously, but never for long…

Denice Franke

January 8, 2000
Houston doesn’t have the reputation of Nashville or Austin, but we have some musical gems of our own…

Eric Taylor

November 27, 1999
We needed someone really special to wrap up the first season of Texas Nights House Concerts…

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